Wednesday 4 November 2009

Publication Research

I am begining to start work on the publication that is going to accompany they typefaces I have designed, and I thought it would be good to see what kind of type specimen books are already out their. I found it difficult finding images or pdfs of such things on the internet so i have found a bit of a hotch potch of different printed booklets. My target audience is going to be other designers. I think I can afford to use quite a minimal graphical style; a style that designers and visually literate people would appreciate.

I did find a few good examples of type specimen books which are the three sets of images directly below, all from They have a very clinical stripped down feel to them which is not really what I want to go for, but I think it is useful to see what they have included in their books.

Above: Type specimen for Simple from

Type Specimen for Akkurat from

Above is the type Specimen book from for the typeface Replica. Its really useful to see what they have included in this book and how they have set it out.

The sets of images below are not from type specemin books but just from well designed small booklets, similar to what I hope to design.

Above images are from the publication

All the above images are from

Publication by Applied Projects

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