Monday 29 March 2010


I'm going to design the identity for a reggae/soul/funk clubnight in york for a frioend. These are some really nice flers I saw on behance.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Glut of ffffound packaging

Once I started looking at packaging design on ffffound i couldn't stop. Here are some nice examples of contemporary ppackaging design.

Vanessa Lam - Packaging

Really impressive packaging project by Vanessa Lam

Lotta Nieminen - Packaging design

Some really gorgeous packaging design from Lotta Nieminen All very original and thoroughly considered.

Suma Packaging

Suma is a wholefooods comapany started in Leeds in 1975. They are a really interesting company with some genuinly ethical credetials. They were on the whole organic, sustainable band-wagon long before it was cool and they could have a really exciting funky brand. However a lot of there identity is really boring and there packaging design is very functional and dull. I think re-designing certain products in their range to give them a more up to date attractive and commercial image and could be a really interesting project to take on.

Below is some of their current packaging design. I'm considering redsigning the packaging for their spice range.

Monday 22 March 2010

Carne Magazine

I came across this cool online only magazine that you can download. Lots of amazing photos and nicely laid out. Similar concept to the way I want to present Stalled Magazine.

Art Poster

Paul Kotter who has been emailing me regarding producing a poster for an art exhibition my sister is involved with sent through some images of posters and flyers that he like which have been designed for artists.

None of them art particularly interestingly designed but it gives me an idea of what they are looking for.