Sunday 14 March 2010

Presenting Website Designs

I am going to design the look of a website for my sisters Artwork, because I'm not actually going to build a functioning website I think the way that it is presnted and mocked up is very important so I have been looking at the ways in which some design studios do it.

Mostly they just put the picture of the website up in a typivcal browser, which isn't very creative. I think Fridge creative and Effektive were the only ones I came across that mocked up a picture of a computer with the website displayed on it. I think this looks a bit more interesting and gives the design more context.

Spin Design

Mind Design

Fridge Creative

Tomorrow Studio

Blast Design

Effektive Design does a really nice job of presenting websites by making an animated gif of the website on a computer flicking through some of the pages, as well as showing some of the pages individuelly in a browser window.

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