Saturday 20 March 2010

End of year Show Identity

Some of the things I have been looking at in relation to my proposal for the end of year show identity. Mostly from ffffound, I tried to track down the actual site for some of the images but ended up on a page that changed the size of my browser window and told me I had a virus so I gave up.

The two above are from ptarmak I seem to be really influenced by this style of retro typography at the moment. I think it has a really strong aesthetic, its really versatile and I love the rigour that goes into it; to get it right everything has to be really considered.

The two above are from ffffound, I didn't manage to find out the real artists/designer. Again they have a really nice retro aesthetic but all typographically very rigorous. I'm not entirely sure why I think this is appropriate for the end of show identity, I suppose it is simply a look that is very 'in' at the moment and I think applying it to the end of year show identity will give it a very contemporary up to date feel which is exactly what you want to communicate about an end of year show that is displaying work from lots of fresh new creatives. It also has reliable, authoratative quality to it which is something that is important to communicate about Leeds College of Art.

The above 5 images are from Grainedit. One of my initial ideas for the end of year show identity was to base it around a stylised map of the area around college. I think these maps heve been done in a really interesting way. A map is usually a very dry thing containing lots of detail and information, I like the idea of making one that contains the same level of detail and information but present it in a creative, fun way.

I couldn't track down where the above image was from, but its a very nice piece of typography and very nicely photographed and displayed.

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