Friday 7 May 2010

Design Context Body Copy

Formatting the body text was one of the last things I did when putting the publication together. Originally I was thinking of using indents instead of line breaks to separate the paragraphs in order to save space, however I feel that this made the text look really dense and impenetrable; not very inviting to read. As it is a large format publication and I do have a fair bit of space to play with I decided to use line breaks instead. I also decided to justify the text, this seems to work really well, it makes the copy look very neat and consistent and along with the line breaks it looks neat and clearly broken up; much more readable.

Below is how I had originally formatted the text.

This is how it currently looks. Much neater cleaner, more organized and as a result it is more inviting to read.

For the interviews I needed a way to separate my questions and their responses. I decided to utilize the two typefaces that run throughout the book and play on their contrast again.

Below is originally how the interview was broken up. As you can see, its not very clear where my questions end and their reply begins.

This is how they currently look. The breaks between the questions and answers are much more visible, making it more readable.

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