Friday 7 May 2010

Design Context Grid

Early on in the design process the grid was tweaked and changed a fair bit. Its important that it is rigid enough to feel consistent but accommodating enough to work with different types of content and feel interesting.

If you view the images larger you can see that I have used a 12 column grid. I've also split the page into three vertically which gives me consistent points to hang images and text from. I've used a 12pt baseline grid. If you always set the text point size in multiples of 10 (10pt, 20pt etc.) and the leading in multiples of 24 and set it to snap to the baseline grid all the text no matter how large or small will have a proportional relationship to each other, making the laypoiyts feel more ordered and attrractive.

Equally as important as getting the grid write is how you apply your layouts to it. After chatting to Joe I realised I has not being rigourous enough with the way I was using teh grid, I had too many rulkes going on and was trying to include too many images etc. I want through re applying the rules moure strickly and simplifying my layouts, I think they look much better.

Before I simplifed the spread (above)


Again this spread had too much going on and was not using the grid well.

This is how it looks now.



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