Thursday 6 May 2010

Design Context Cover

Below you can see the progression of cover design for the design context publication.

I set the ampersand in Adobe Caslon a classic fairly oldstyle serif face, it contrasts really nicely with the rest of the title, which is set in DIN a very modern Sans serif. This contrast is appropriate as it represents my subject, looking at typographic designs through history and how old and new styles interact.

This is a very different design, playing with the idea of a grid layout. I didn't take it much further but i really like how the title sits all on one line.

Setting the appersand very large really emphasises its curvaceous form.

Here I put a cropped section of the litho diagram behind the title, the way it represents the 'process' aspect of the book is quite appropriate.

This is the cover I am going to go with for my final design, it is a combination and progression of earlier designs. The litho diagram in the background reflects the process and the ampersand reflects the product.

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